First and foremost, the fact that you're here is appreciated more than you know.
Urban Weirdo was created purely out of a desire. A desire to not only have a brand that met the look and feel that I believe was not already being met, but the story behind it.
Born and raised in North Florida in the early 90's was the perfect place to me. The difficulty I faced was the need to feel and be "cool". From my early teenage years through early adulthood I loved Hip Hop, fashion, and art which were all accepted in the culture around me. When it came to reading, writing, anime, etc. I was the definition of nerdy and therefore not a part of the "in crowd". I always felt the need to suppress what I liked in order to fit in, and though I would do everything I saw the popular kids do it never landed me where it supposedly should have. My heart wasn't it it and it showed.
I've learned to fully embrace and emerge myself in the things and lifestyle that I'm truly passionate about, and by doing so my happiness has grown exponentially. I love being nerdy, weird and any other way you choose to describe it.
Urban Weirdo is about embracing what makes you unique. There's no need in trying to hide or separate your everyday life and the things you love that may not be mainstream. Embrace your weird and be proud to show it off to everyone!